Atlantic Credit Union Award

Description: Atlantic Credit Unions have established the Atlantic Credit Union Awards at Holland College to benefit students

Criteria: Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and involvement in their community. Special consideration may be given to students who are:
Credit union members or who can demonstrate an affiliation with the credit union system or members of traditionally underrepresented communities.

Applies to: All Programs

Atlantic Credit Unions
4 x $1,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a member of or affiliated with a Credit Union?
  2. Please upload proof of Credit Union affiliation (be sure to cover any personal information apart from your name)
  3. Extracurriculars
    • Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities?
    • Which of the following best describe your extracurricular activities?
  4. Tell us more about each of your extracurricular activities.
    Click the "Add Another Answer" link to enter multiple activities, up to 7.
    • 1. Name of organization and/or activity
    • 2. Dates involved
    • 3. Did you have a leadership role?
    • 4. Description of your role and responibilities.